
Genel - 28 Ocak 2025 Sal


To apply for the Erasmus+ Programme at Samsun University, you must be nominated by your home university.

The home university  sends an official nomination by e-mail to our Erasmus+ Office. Once your personal data has been entered into our  nomination system, you will receive an e-mail with details about your application process.

Student nominations must reach the receiving institution by:

Fall term (Full year): 15 June

Spring term: 15 November

Applications from nominated students must reach the receiving institution by:

Fall term (Full year): 15 August

Spring term: 15 December

Do you have special needs?

If you have access needs (physical, mental or health-related conditions), please let us know during the application so that we can help.

  1. Documents Required for the Application

Please note: Applications with missing documents will not be accepted by the Erasmus+ Office. If your application is missing information, you will be notified via e-mail with directions on what needs to be done. Then you must re-apply.

  • Incoming Student Application Form
  • A copy of the transcript in English, or translated into English.
  • Course selection (This is stated in your Online Learning Agreement). All Erasmus students must enroll in at least 2 courses from the department to which they have been accepted. Students’ applications will not be accepted for evaluation unless 2 courses from the  relevant department are listed on the online application form.
  • Official, Passport-sized photo that meets biometric standards. It must be 35 × 45 mm (2 × 2 inches) color. The face must be looking at the camera with a neutral expression (no smiling). The background must be neutral (white or light grey). Please note: Photos that do not conform to the biometric standard will not be accepted by the Registrar’s Office.
  1. The Application Process
  • Once an Erasmus+ student’s application is  received by the Erasmus+ Office, the following procedures take place:
  • When the application arrives at Samsun University, it is reviewed  by the Erasmus+ Office. If your application is missing any part or has been filled out incorrectly, the application will be sent back to you for revision, as discussed above.
  • If the application is complete, it is sent to the department that is indicated in your Online Learning Agreement for evaluation.
  • Once approved  by the department, a letter of acceptance will be sent to you via email, and the original letter to the coordinator at the home university. Rejected applications are reported  via e-mail to the respective parties upon the declaration of the department’s decision.
  • Applicants are not considered to have been accepted until they have received their official letters of acceptance.

Please note that decision about your acceptance is made by the departments or graduate programs. The Erasmus+ Office is not involved in academic matters.

  1. Notification of Acceptance

The decision regarding your acceptance to the program will be sent to you by e-mail from our Office.

  1. Once You have Been Accepted

You will receive an e-mail from our Erasmus+ Office about important dates and other information.

  1. Pre-registration

You are required to complete pre-registration form before leaving your home country. This is not registration for courses. This simply enters your information into the University’s main system so that you will be able to pick up your Student ID and register for classes.

Documents required for pre-registration:

Please note that  ID cards from your home country cannot be used in place of the passport. Also make sure that your passport will be valid for the entire time you will be in Turkey. You cannot obtain a Residence Permit if your passport shows that it will expire in the middle of your studies.

  1. Before Departing 

Before departing from Samsun, Erasmus+ students must visit the departmental coordinator and Erasmus+ Office. Here they must attain the documents listed below and deliver them to the sending university at the finish of the Erasmus+ exchange programme.

  • Transcript

This document is prepared by the department and will be sent to the student’s own university at the finish of the exchange programme.

  • Online Learning Agreement

The original of the Learning Agreement, signed and stamped by the Department and Institution Coordinators of Samsun University.

  • Participation Certificate

The original Participation Certificate, signed and stamped by Samsun University.